Stella McCartney Returns at S24 Shanghai Fashion Week

McCartney brought sustainable fashion overseas to China.

Cheyenne Reed October 19, 2023

Stella McCarney, Fall 2023 Ready-to-Wear Fashion Show

On Monday, October 16, 2023, Shanghai Fashion Week was wrapping up to a close. British fashion designer Stella McCartney returns for the first time to show her latest collection which she previously showed at Paris Fashion Week. This is her first return to SFW since 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a slight pause in the SFW runway shows for a couple of years until recently.

McCartney had previous ties to SFW when she partnered with Chinese fashion designer Shie Lyu in 2019. McCartney bringing her brand internationally to China, this is an opportunity for her brand to make its presence in the fashion industry in China as the country has been redefining its focus more towards innovation and more sustainably focused.

The theme for this year’s Shanghai Fashion Week was ‘Synergy’ where the idea was to present a connection between the past and the future, both domestic and international influences, the industry insiders and outsiders while touching on fashion technology and sustainability. So, this opportunity was perfect for Stella McCartney to reintroduce her sustainable fashion brand into the spotlight of the Chinese fashion industry audience.

Stella McCartney S24 Shanghai Fashion Week

Stella McCartney is highly recognized in the fashion industry for her strong advocacy for sustainable fashion and has worked alongside textile innovator companies. McCartney is known to design garments with the focus of using non-traditional textiles such as Spider silk or mushroom leather instead of using traditional textiles such as polyester which is known to be one of the most polluting textiles in the fashion industry.

McCartney being one of the starring international designers to show at SFW for the first time since the pandemic. She intended to present her collection with a clear and straightforward message to those who were seeing her collection down the runway.

Stella McCartney S24 Shanghai Fashion Week

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